About us
The Jurbarkas Region Cultural Centre of Lithuania Minor was established on 1 July 2010 in place of the Smalininkai and Viešvilė branches of Jurbarkas Cultural Centre. The Cultural Centre has two divisions - Viešvilė, (Mokyklos str. 3 (official headquarters of the institution) and Smalininkai, (Nemuno str. 30).
Priority activities of the institution:
Jurbarkas District Cultural Centre of Lithuania Minor includes Smalininkai and Viešvilė neighbourhoods located in the western part of the district. Historically, it is the land of the scalway tribe Skalva, which after the Melnas Treaty signed by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Order of the Crusaders in 1422 became part of the German administration, on whose territory Lithuanians lived, leading Lithuanians. Now it is the eastern edge of the ethnographic region of Lithuania Minor. Local lifestyle, culture and history were shaped by Nemunas, forests, border. Therefore, Smalininkai can be considered an eternal border, and The Lord is the land of forests and foresters. Smalininkai and Viešvilė are two distinctive, slightly different towns, characterized by the architecture of East Prussia, the culture and history of Lithuania Minor. It is also important for the history of the place that after the Second World War there was agricultural technique in Smalininkai, in Viešvilė – professional technical school, children's care home. The activities of the Cultural Centre are related to the resuscitation of regional and local history, culture, representation, maintenance of old and present traditions, organization of town celebrations, participation in the activities of art collectives and local communities.